simple inexpensive accounts for small businessesSMARTLEDGER First Accounts     
The best accounting solution for your small business

SMARTLEDGER First Accounts consists of 6 modules, as listed below. To see details of what functionality is contained within each module, click the module name to expand/collapse the listing.

- Making sales, collecting payments & managing your customers.

- Buying & paying for goods & services, and managing your suppliers.

- Managing bank accounts and movements of funds.

- Making small purchases and managing cash on hand.

- Getting the information you need to manage your business.

- Tools and utilities to setup your accounts.

In addition to the module-specific features listed in each of the above sections, SMARTLEDGER First Accounts has features which are common across all modules, including:

  • Full lookup facility on accounts, codes, invoices, payments, etc.
  • Unlimited number of transactions.
  • Help prompt, popup help, and context-sensitive help on all inputs.
  • Multi-currency capability for all transactions.

Compatible with Windows 7, Vista and XP

System requirements for SMARTLEDGER First Accounts are fairly basic:

Windows XP, Vista, or 7 - 25Mb of free disk space.

Linux with CrossOver or Wine installed - 25Mb of free disk space.
Runs under Linux with CrossOver/WineWine