The easiest accounts system for youSMARTLEDGER First Accounts     
The best accounting solution for any small businesses

Compatible with Windows 7, Vista and XP

To install SMARTLEDGER First Accounts on Microsoft Windows 7, Vista, or XP, click the DOWNLOAD link below and save the file to your system.

Then, simply click on the downloaded file and follow the step-by-step instructions.

DOWNLOAD - download file size is 3.82Mb.

Runs under Linux with CrossOver/WineWine

To install SMARTLEDGER First Accounts on Linux systems, you must first install Wine or a
Wine derivative, such as CrossOver. Wine can be downloaded from and
is a free product. However, we recomend that you try CrossOver as it is much easier to install and use, and comes with excellent support.

An evaluation copy of CrossOver can be downloaded from

After you have installed CrossOver, or Wine, you should download SMARTLEDGER First Accounts by clicking the DOWNLOAD link below. Then, use the Install Windows Software option to start the installer and follow the step-by-step instructions.

DOWNLOAD - download file size is 3.82Mb.